Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Evening Reflections

Yes, it's hot!! It tends to be like this in July and August. And we sure could use some rain too.
Even my tomatoes look for their daily dousing! I have friends who said they're done!! finished with summer! They've gone into hiding, held up in their houses. "We'll see you in mid September!" That's a shame, they're missing some great summer days and a few awesome summer sunsets! It was around 86 degrees up at Sharp Top Mt. yesterday. Folks were hiking, camping and fishing Lake Abbott. Kids were running about and visitors were taking their vacation pics. It was great! This was summer! Sometimes I think we've become over sensitive to everything! We refuse to even try and tolerate things that we would have years ago. I grew up along the coast where the ocean was our air-conditioning. I still remember our house, with all the windows open to let in the breeze and falling asleep at night to the sound of the curtains flapping against the window screens. And when it was hot - we found ways to beat the heat, not retreat. Most days it's still pretty hot when we take to our side porch and kick back at the end of the day. We throw the porch fan on and watch the wildlife go by while sipping on a tall glass of iced tea or an occasional glass of wine. It's a thousand times better than watching any news show. Some days we'll have dinner while watching the sun set. It's a view fine dining couldn't beat! I don't know if I can convince these friends to come out of their cool nests. Maybe when the days dip down to the 80's they'll return and give it a try...I hope they do. There's sure to be some hot days ahead - and a chance for them to rediscover summer!

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