Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Day Reflection -

Rainy days of Spring - All gardeners welcome them...It gives tender new plantings a good head start and seeds a chance to seat themselves into the soil and germinate. It is also a good time to take the opportunity and see your garden from a different perspective. When you look out over your garden from a window or porch it gives you a chance to see how others see it, and the results may be surprising. While watching the rain come down the other day I stood out on our side porch and looked down onto the garden beds. From this spot I could see the one bed I hadn't prepared yet for what will be some tomatoes and peppers. But there, in the midst of some weeds and leftover cabbage doomed for the compost bin, I saw several stalks of leftover onions. During a break in the rain I went out side and dug them up. I do remember leaving them in the ground last fall because they were just too small to harvest. After all those weeks of freezing temperatures back in Jan - Feb, I thought they couldn't have wintered over
BUT - They did!! They turned out to be these delicious tender spring onions, so mild & sweet. I hadn't tasted onions like that in a long time. My saute pan came out and I went right to work. I sauteed a bunch, added couscous and some chicken broth til it was absorbed. Then added some soy sauce at the end. The result was a great Oriental Couscous!! I shared some of the greens with a friend (recipe included), used some for a salad I brought to our neighborhood dinner and the rest was chopped and placed in the freezer for future soups and stews. While chopping away I couldn't help but smile
at this wonderful find I stumbled across simply because I took a few minutes to look at my garden from a different perspective. So my rainy day reflection is about the way we look at things in general. Whether looking at a garden, or at the person sitting right next to you, it is so ever important to take a minute and examine things from a different view point. You just never know what that minute may reveal!

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