Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's been a long, long, time

Yes..I can't believe it's been that long since. Thanksgiving,and then Christmas! BUt
I guess I haven't been sitting around, otherwise I would be writing away. My first
thoughts of what a great holiday we had. El, The Devine Miss M, was ofcourse the star of Christmas. What a great time we had just watching her enjoy her first Christmas.
But as the holidays came and went I continued working on my physical therapy,
in preparing for back surgery. A single level fusion L5-S1, which two years ago meant nothing to me. (because I never had a problem with my back)...
Pretty hard transformation to go from the girl that could wrestle most characters to the ground but unlike my partners, most of the time I talked them right into most same, women in law enforcement do diffuse situations that would other wise become violent. Now I am not supposed to pick up anything weighing more than 10 lbs. At least for the next 3-9 months anyway. (It's going to be a long road)...
The meds have kind of givin me a little writers block...and ofcourse there will be
no garden tilling for me this year. Perhaps my lack of good news has kept me off
from posting. However, I am so psyched that the Poet's Domain is now available for retail...and my poem "THe Towers" is in it.I guess if you look you will find good things in the middle of chaos.

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