Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Blessings!!

It has been a while since I have posted. Life sometimes just gets crazy. We spent
alot of time with our first grand baby, a little girl!! We are thrilled and certainly this Thanksgiving was an especially grateful one indeed.

My garden is in the middle stages of being put to bed for the winter. My
neighbor shreds all his leaves and dumps them for me to pile up all over my
beds. Then I take the rest and start a winter compost bin. Shredded leaves and
the last of his lawn cuttings...then I start looking for some old manure and
start piling up the kitchen scraps that get added once a week. I admit that
I do add a compost heater to get the mix working. I had such great success with
my compost last year, I wouldn't do it any other way!

My patience is turning to anxious while waiting for my contributors copies of the
anthology "Poet's Domain". I should be getting them any day.. Me - published in an
anthology...pretty cool!!

For now though, lots of stuff to get done before the hard freeze, including
harvesting the rest of my leffuce, cabbage, and take care of the onion sets &
garlic bulbs I placed in the raised beds this year.

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