Thursday, July 8, 2010

summer heat and prose incomplete

As this summer progresses,I can't believe it's July already. So far, my peppers are
the biggest and best I've ever grown. The heat has been extreme though, and with no rain, growing anything has been a challenge. Keeping everything lightly covered with a layer of homemade compost seems to be working for now....I do hope for rain..soon.
With the heat keeping my time in the garden limited to early mornings or after dinner I thought I would have lots of time to write, but ofcourse I have
stumbled into a complete block. I am trying to write everyday but do not like anything I've written in weeks.
I keep telling myself I must never be concerned with who I am writing for as opposed to my reasons for writing. If something is good, it will be heard, and an audience will be found.

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