Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is a Tree really a tree?

A visit to Lake Tree Farm, 122 south, Bedford, this afternoon. They sell
certified organic trees. Doesn't sound too exciting,but learned quite a bit.
Met the new owners, Nathan & Lisa who are really trying to make a go of it..they took over when the previous owner just walked away from it...so
they are only up and running 3 wks now. We walked the property and
talked for an hour about why certified organic trees are an important part of sustainable living. '
"Dursban" is the culprit! Banned by the EPA 10 yrs ago when it was used for termite ground applications. However the Nursery Industry lobbied Congress for an exemption to use Dursban to kill fire ants.
Note: all nursery stock grown in states south of Kentucky are actually required to treat w/Dursban to prevent the spread of ants to northern
Question 1 - do you know that you may be contaminating your
property & ground water by planting a tree?'
Question 2 - did you know that products such as osmocote, roundup,
and most lawn care products are the main cause for toxic run off into our
small creeks, streams and into rivers?
You can find out more at http://www.beyondpetsicides.com/
I ordered a peach tree, a brown back magnolia, two viburnums, and
some irises...will pick them up in a couple wks. *the peach tree is a beauty! Can't wait to get them in the ground!! Hope to make regular
visits to Lake Tree Farm...and wish them luck...

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