Monday, May 3, 2010

Road Trip

Saturday -
Started early and headed north up 81 to a town just east of Staunton...destination, the Fishersville Antique Expo...A great asst. of antiques, and hmm, all that folk art...some very expensive folk art. I just don't know enough about it to make an expensive purchase only to get burned. There are some artists whose pieces are signed - fake, got the look - fake, even made out of old stuff - fake...I'm hoping to purchase a good piece of folk art one day..I will know it when I see it...We'll buy & cherish it, and it may even be a fake!! But I
will luv it either way.
Sunday - Now this was a work day! So much so I was too tired to post
anything. My wearieds and over labored hands just could not hit that keyboard. It was the perfect day for planting though, warm, a little humid and overcast. I planted my tomatoes, peppers, chives, and basil. I topped the garlic and then Steve and I put up netting over the lettuce and cabbage. A good day.
Monday- Well, the Dr. gave me good news..nothing terribly wrong with
my neck 'cept old bones! Oddly enough..I wrote a simple poem called just that...Old Bones...once lovely and fair, now brittle and broken, no flips and fancy dancing, would not dare. Tomorrow I will post the specific plants I got into the ground...One is a Chocolate Pepper! Sounds interesting..the girl at Whippledale nursery said she grew the last year and they were super...I dont' have much luck with the Big Bertha
Bells so I bought a flat of the Chocolate and a flat of a Yellow Sweet.
Tomorrow - we will check out the trees at the organic nursery. I have my eye on a Peach tree, a fugi apple, and a Gingko.. Hate playing catch up...I have pics to post and add ons to add!!! No slacking aloud! :O

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