Thursday, September 1, 2011

Irene's Calling

We got back from the day in Rockfish Valley, a little wet from the rain, but no worse for wear. I quickly unwrapped and dug into a piece of the homemade blueberry pie and settled in to watch the hurricane updates on the Weather Channel, NBC's sister station. Son Jimmie's a cameraman and I knew he had been out covering Irene since Fri. 3pm. I watched the intense coverage, and found myself wishing I was there. I wanted to be back there, weathering the storm like I had so many others. To have my adrenaline pumping again, trying my best to keep others and myself safe, evacuating the elderly, driving through town assessing the storm damage, and once getting a woman in labor safely to the hospital just in time to deliver her baby. Maybe it was watching the spray from those rain bands earlier, and feeling them hit our faces, that brought me back to this place and these feelings.

Watching the ominous warnings my thoughts switched back to my son. I had no idea where he might be. But I knew he'd be ok. He has weathered quite a few storms, the first one being just five days after he was born. I tried to teach my children the same lessons I was taught; have the utmost respect for the sea, and knowing her unpredictability, is your best safeguard.

I must have fallen asleep because it was exactly 2:48 when I woke up to the phone ringing. (for most mothers with children college age and up - the phone ringing this time at night is comparable White House getting a call from the Situation Room!...(what happened? anyone hurt?) It took a few seconds to recognize my Jersey girlfriend's voice. A very good friend infact. "Hey..Wake up and smell the salt water!" she said. The phone fell silent for a second 'til I heard what sounded like a door creaking. It was all fuzzy at first, and then, there it was ...the sound of the ocean's waves crashing onto the jetties off in the distance. Though it was only for a few seconds.. that's all I needed.. I laid back on the sofa, eyes closed...and I was there!

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