Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Circle Game

A short post today which has nothing to do with writing or gardening. It is actually a short note acknowledging some news I heard from my old stomping grounds. Back when I was at the top of my game this young girl was hired as an extra beach badge officer. I believe she was barely 20 yrs old then....but ironically was able to hand out a few
summonses for alcohol on the beach. She was still too young to be included in any of our choir practices (but no one was checking ID's!) A couple years later Steve and I took her out to practice shooting so she could pass firearms. We worked together one summer night right after she finished the academy. I remember us looking for a suspect who tried to enter a house. Within minutes of getting the victims information and a description of the suspect we were able to apprehend him. We talked quite a bit during the shift. I warned her of the occupations hazards and pitfalls that came along with the authority she now held. Time and alot water has gone under the bridge. Tomorrow she will receive her gold badge, the first female to be promoted to Seargent..Yes!!
This young girl I knew is all grown up now and the circle has taken yet another spin.
My wish for her - continued success and much happiness for her and her family....... My advise - stay safe, and remain true to your oath and yourself. And for me..I think
about all the opportunities my grand-daughter will have in 20 years, she will be 1 year old next month. In the words of Joni Mitchell - we go round, and round, and round, in the circle game.

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