Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don't Walk Away From Your Past - RUN WITH IT!

This is a different post. Different because I decided to switch gears and back up a few steps. I am adding a little more interest to my blog by explaining more about who I was and how I got here! I worked for a small police dept in NJ where I kept
the many hats I wore stuffed in my locker. I was a sworn officer, a police matron, a crimes analyst (decades before Garcia on Criminal Minds!!) I worked patrol, under cover, wore a wire, walked midnights along the beachfront, narcotics raids, and video taped two major events: one of the worst storms in decades along the Jersey Shore, the Nor'easter in Dec. 1991, and the MTV riots of July 1992 (parts of that tape made CNN). I even spent time at a safe house with a victim who was almost
murdered by her ex-boyfriend.
But nothing prepared me for the day that changed my life, and the worlds forever, Sept. 11th 2001. I watched them jump, and stood with my dispatcher Beth as the 2nd tower got hit. I ran down the hall to our Chief's office and advised him
"Our Country" was under attack. My husband, who was in the Air Force with Security Forces, was called to active duty two days later.
Our lives changed so drastically we didn't have time to even think about it.
Steve and I had a wknd marriage for 3 yrs but were very fortunate to have that
being where his assignment was in Washington D.C. His retirement bitter sweet, he
loved working in D.C. Well - change again...
From that point - life sort of hit a rewind button. The days of midnights
and crime reports seem like a life time ago. For awhile I felt 'stuck'. Here I
was living the dream...but couldn't leave the past behind. Then one day I realized
in order to move forward, you embrace and acknowledge the past...I live in beautiful Virginia..but I am a Jersey girl, sometimes I yearn for sandy toes....Jrz sand! or a Taylor Ham sandwich. And that's ok...I can love both.
I hope that I can connect with other retired police women, maybe some who garden!

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