Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Up at 5:30 am...I love my morning coffee...I wonder how many gardeners are coffee lovers or tea sippers? I am finishing a poem called "After the
Storm" and having trouble with the last stanza, trying to pull it together
but it's just not coming to me yet. Spent the rest of the day taking advantage of the sunny, untypically cooler April day.
Got lots done...the sunflower seeds sewn in place, shrubs pruned, the cinnamon ferns planted in the front walkway, cleaned my bench off in the garage along w/ some planters I never got to last fall. :( La-Z! ... .But, I am troubled by the amount of new poison ivy popping up - same general area along the woodline but now it seems to have traveled (underground) and into the front yard....
Question -- anyone~ What can I use on my patches of poison?~

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