Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Winning!! midnight rantings...

Writing certainly has its rewards at times. Never a loss for words, we take to our keyboards or grab a pen or our journals. Whether happy or sad, right or wronged? What better way to get it all out and write, right? Well lately I've read some pretty disastrous online posts. Most were written in haste (and after too many of whatever they had in their wine glass?) As a writer friend puts it: never!...ever!!...get on your social network while under the influence of any substance that could impair your thoughts or comments in any way. If you this compulsion to vent about something, draft first! post later. Wait to see how often you'll think twice and click cancel! It's good to remember what message boards are for...there's one on FB. So, for your own good - use it! Now, I admit I'm guilty! I have forgotten to draft. I've gone right to publish, only to have to go back and edit and edit again! But mostly to correct a sentence, spelling or grammar etc. Yes, I'm guilty of that! And once I put something on FB and quickly got a message from a friend who said, "ah-ah..think about that". I did and deleted it - and very quickly too...Awk-word!! But I've thanked my friend a million times! I don't know if it's the ease in which we have access to our own little audience but, Wow! I've certainly noticed an increase in what I would describe as some - Real Winners! I could tell they had been written the previous night, out there for hours, too late to delete! It's already been read by everyone and now they're 'stick a fork in ya' Done! Sadly, some people have even lost their jobs over some radical midnight rantings about their bosses. Don't know if that's completely fair or even legal? But I do know I've learned this: if we write when wronged, it may very well be our own epitaph!

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