Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh Mercy, Mercy, Me!

It was nearly 3 weeks with every chance of rain just passing right by us. But last night we finally got some relief. The initial storm was rather intense with lines and tree limbs fallen, some blocked roads and a few power and phone outages. But the rain that fell later on was just a steady and so badly needed in our neck of the woods. My koi pond this morning now filled to the top with some happy fish swimming in the cool water. And finally!! We got through the night without one aftershock from our my first earthquake. I never thought I would see my entire house shake,but I did! The old grandfathers tilted back and forth and pictures upstairs fell to the floor! I don't think I could ever live in California! I'm used to dealing with hurricanes! But here I sit feeling helpless. I'm sitting watching Irene heading right toward my home town. I've been keeping in close touch with friends and our two sons. One just moved back to town and lives three blocks in from the beach! Our other son is a cameraman for a major news network in NYC. He's been working since yesterday and I suspect he won't see his bed til sometime late Monday. He'll be driving here and there between New York and New Jersey covering storm related stories. Seems ironic, I brought him home from the hospital and two days later we had a major hurricane. Growing up along the sea my kids were taught the do's and don'ts. For him, safety issues overide sensationalism!

I listen to his stories as he calls and updates me. I admit to being just a little
bit envious of his being out in the middle of it!! It's that adrenaline rush I used
to crave. I liked being right in the thick of it. It's partly why Firemen, Cops, and EMS workers do what they do. It's the rush!!! The largest storm I've experienced was a NorEaster in Dec. 1992. My partner and witnessed waves crashing over a bridge. We witnessed the ocean lift a long section of the boardwalk including the light stantions and turn it east to west. It came to rest laying across the road and into the first floor of a condo! My partner and I were sent out to film the storm's damage when a huge
gust went to toss me into the inlet. If it weren't for him grabbing the back of my leathergear I would have been blown straight into the water! Thanks to him the only thing lost was my rain hat! I may still owe him a beer for that one!

But her I am, sitting on my soft, DRY, comfortable sofa and watching the coverage. I admit just a hint of adrenaline starts brewing! But it quickly fades as I remember standing out in the middle of many storms during a police call. The rain would drip off my hat past the collar of my raincoat and down my back! Hate that creepy crawly feeling!!I don't miss that at all! The adrenaline fades and I grab my hot coffee and sit out on the porch to watch the rain. Til I look on the screen and there it is, a stink bug! Thanks to the internet and a crafty husband we now have several stink bug traps made simply from an empty cut up coke bottle. The large one in the barn is more elaborate with some pvc pipe attached to the large end of the bottle with an led light to attract them. The small one is simple, place it near one and they seem to jump right in! A used wine cork fits the top nicely to keep in the 'stink!! Once it's filled, toss it!!

Mother nature certainly has been challenging us these past months. OR,Maybe she's trying to convey an important message. If so, I think it would serve us well to stop and listen very, very, closely to what she's saying! Oh-Oh Oh Mercy, Mercy, Me...


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