Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Do You Do When The Rains Come Through?

After a scorching week of temps in the 90's plus, we finally received some relief. I knew about an hour before the first clap of thunder thanks to Maggie-Mae, a silky brown whippett/terrier mix? who turns herself into velcro, just attaching herself to you while shaking so hard her teeth actually chatter!! She's pretty darn accurate too! Sure enough, within the hour the rain comes. On the other hand Cooper, a 7 yr. old retriever, barely lifts his head to see what his companion's frantic antics are all about. So the rains came, hardly from Spain, but much to my delight and that of many relieved farmers in the area. My planted plot is small this year due to my surgery. And with this heat wave, even a smaller plot is hard to keep up with, water wise. The rain barrels have been useful, but even they were starting to dry up. With some luck
this crusted clay will get a good soaking from the storms that are pushing through. Everything needs a good, deep soaking, and we can use some relief from the heat. I
really don't mind July weather, just not in June!!

In the mean time, I have used the heat wave this past week to work on a piece I need
to get done by Tuesday. It's a letter to my grand-daughter who will turn a year old this Wednesday, quite a big to do!! But along with the clothes and toys I'll be handing
my daughter a sealed envelope to keep for her daughter. It's to remain sealed until the day she graduates college. I've been working on it for a while, trying to condense some stories and noteworthy information and I think it's got some own pretty good worldly tidbits she will enjoy reading. Now for all intents and purposes, I plan on being right there in the audience, watching her walk across the stage. Perhaps she'll be the first valedictorian in the family. But I really think the next twenty years or so will certainly change our world in ways we haven't imagined. And, I'm sure it will change me too, besides just being old!! :~O I just thought this would be neat for her to have something to read. What was going on around her during the first year of her life...What it was like for me watching her grow. Hope she'll enjoy what I call the first couple paragraphs in the first chapter of her life. I'll let her write the rest of it, but should she need some editing now and then, her Nona will be nearby.

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