Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Williamsburg & Back Again

A short trip to D.O.G. street yielded two good days.One of which I spent conversing with Patrick Henry, and Martha Washington. Mr. Henry was quite interesting. Perhaps I shall seek his whereabouts next time we are in the capital, so we may continue our interesting sitings of the law.

A hopeful find was our Barrister's bookcase, and Speckled Lettuce seeds, which I planted one of the two packs today. My previous attempt a couple wks back yielded some seedlings that were burned away by a wk of temps in the mid 90's. The red sails & black seeded simpson were no match for scorching sun and no rain, even with watering. So speckled lettuce, which is a new one for me, is what is in the ground, along with yellow wax beans, 1st yield today (wonderful). And the red cabbage is up along with Brussel Sprouts. One Tomato plant is hanging on, Parks Whopper, and all the peppers are still plugging away (though the fruit will be small).
Fall must be near...cause I've been seeing lots o' deer!

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